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Today's Sapphire

Exceeding The Orthodox

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Orthodox Jews live by the Laws of Moses as interpreted by their rabbis. Virtually everything in their life is governed by law or one tradition or another. Think of how zealous they are, how careful, how vigilant they are in following what they know of God. How does that compare with most believers? Do most believers you know treat the Word of God as seriously, or as reverently as the Orthodox treat their laws and traditions? Chances are they don’t. Chances are, you may not either. And yet Messiah told us that between the two - the righteousness of the Pharisees, and the righteousness of His disciples, it is to be the righteousness of the disciples under the New Covenant, which is greater. You in the New Covenant are to be more devoted, zealous, loving, pure, self-disciplined, giving, studious, reverent, and more holy than they. If that is not the case, start making it so today. For the New Covenant is not lower but higher than the Old. Thus the disciples of Messiah are to be more holy and vigilant than the Orthodox.

From Message #1337 - The Nazir: Apostles and Skinheads

Today's Mission

Today, set out to be more devoted, zealous, loving, pure, self-disciplined, giving, studious, reverent, and holy.

Scripture: John 14:15
