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Today's Sapphire

The Cup Strategy

Monday, August 26, 2019

A famous evangelist was dining with his acquaintances. One of them asked how to overcome sin. The evangelist filled his glass with water and asked, "Can you pour your drink into this glass?" "No," the one answered, "How could I? The glass is full." "Exactly!" said the evangelist, "And that’s your answer." The evangelist was right. The answer is in the cup being full. You don’t overcome sin by trying not to sin, or temptation by trying not to be tempted. It doesn’t matter how much you try - if your cup is empty, you’re going to be vulnerable to sin. But if you fill yourself up with God, you won’t have any room to be filled with anything else. And even better than a full cup, is an overflowing cup. An overflowing cup can hardly be touched or polluted. If you fill yourself up with God and overflow with His joy, His Spirit, His presence, and His love, the enemy won’t be able to do anything - and there won’t be any sin you can’t overcome. So practice the secret of overcoming all sin. It’s as simple as an overflowing cup.

From Message #1333 - The Beelzebub Solution

Today's Mission

Today, fill yourself up with God and overflow with His joy, His Spirit, His presence, and His love.

Scripture: Psalm 23:5
