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Today's Sapphire

The Harbinger

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This past month, the book, The Harbinger was released and its message has been spreading and receiving more and more exposure. As you represent my home ministry family as members and co-ministers in Hope of the World, I thought it was right that I share with you here an overview of the message it contains. There’s so much in the book I couldn’t possibly share here or that I could even barely begin to summarize – but I’ll do my best. Could there exist an ancient mystery in which is hidden the secret of America’s future? Is it possible that this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11, to the War on Terror, to the crash of Wall Street and the global economy, to the Great Recession and more - even the words and actions of American leaders, including the President of the United States? And is it possible that this mystery contains a prophetic word, a message to America from God, a warning of national judgment? It’s real. Before God judges a nation, He sends warnings. He repeatedly sent warnings to ancient Israel through the prophets. In 732 B.C., after years of calling Israel back—to no avail—God removed Israel’s hedge of protection and allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike. It was an alarm and a call to return to God. From that day until the nation’s complete destruction, Nine Harbingers, nine prophetic signs, omens of judgment were manifested in the land. Today America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And from September 11, 2001 until now, the same Nine Harbingers of judgment that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel, before its destruction, have now reappeared on American soil. Each has manifested in stunning and precise detail. The ancient mystery not only lies behind 9/11 and the nation’s course in the years that followed, but it actually caused the economic collapse of Wall Street and the American economy. That collapse actually began in the dust of 9/11. And in the midst of the economic crisis, when the stock market suffered its greatest loss in the history of Wall Street, the day it crashed, was part of an ancient mystery from the Bible – all taking place on the exact day ordained in ancient times, for a nation’s financial accounts to be wiped out. And then there’s the mystery and the prophetic message of warning hidden in America’s foundation, embedded there on the very first day of the nation’s existence. This particular national mystery lies behind 9/11, and the prophetic warning pertains to this generation, more than any other since America’s founding – for such a time as this. Again, there is so much more than I can begin to touch on here, but I ask all of you as my ministry family and co-ministers, if you could pray regularly and strongly that God’s purposes in The Harbinger be fulfilled, that the doors He wants opened would be opened, that I would say what is needed to be said to the end, that repentance would come, salvation, even revival. May God greatly bless you this month to be a light to the darkness and to bring salvation to the lost!

From Message - All 7 Harbinger Messages
