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Today's Sapphire

The Calah Identity

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

In the ancient Hebrew marriage, the bridegroom comes to the house of the bride and proposes marriage. If the woman accepts, she's now the bride, the Calah. The two are separated for about a year. The Calah still lives at her house, but she's no longer of it; she's of the bridegroom now. Everything looks the same, but is now different because she belongs to the bridegroom. She's not bound by the old house anymore. That's where you are right now. Messiah came to this world, to your life to propose, and you said yes. You're now the Calah. The wedding day is coming, but you're still in the old house. The old circumstances may look the same, but you're not of it. You belong to the new life; the bridegroom. You're free from your circumstance, problem, past, your sin. Stop living by what is around you. Remember who you are and whose you are. Live for the Bridegroom. The more betrothed you live, the freer you will be from this world. For the Calah is not bound by the house.

From Message #1110 - The Gift Of The Calah

Today's Mission

Live as the Calah today. You are no longer of this world, or your circumstance, or your past. Break free of these things.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17
