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Today's Sapphire

Real Saints

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The difference between actors and real people is that actors are following the script. Real people don't follow a script. They do it from their heart. If you're just doing good because you have to, you're following the script, trying to conform to a law. That's the Old Covenant. Jeremiah says that I will write the Law in their heart. In the New Covenant, it will come from the inside. Not doing things because you have to, but because you have love. It's coming from you because it's coming from God in you. God calls us not to act like children of God, He calls us to BE children of God. He doesn't want you to play the part of a Saint, He wants you to BE a real Saint by living in His Spirit. Get beyond the requirements of the Law. Get into the heart of God. Seek with every ounce of your being to make His will your will, His love your love, because God didn't call you to act the part. He called you to be a real person, a real Saint, a real child of God.

From Message #752 - To Become a Saint

Today's Mission

Don't simply act right today, be right. Do what is right from your heart. Love from your deepest part.

Scripture: Matthew 5:8
