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Today's Sapphire

The Festival Of Going Out

Monday, August 24, 2020

Remember when you were a child and the months of May and June came around? It was a time of going out. Vacation was coming. Summer was on the way. Ancient Israel had something like that too. Every year around May and June, Israel would gather in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Harvest; Shavuot known in Greek as Pentecost. After celebrating, they would all go out to their fields and vineyards and reap the great summer harvest. And they wouldn't see each other again until the fall. It was the Feast of Going Out. And so it was no accident that on this celebration of going out - 2,000 years ago, God sent the Spirit. They had to go out into all nations - into the harvest field of the Great Commission. They had to leave home and the comfort of the familiar. Do you want to live in the Spirit and fulfill His will in your life? Then leave the comfort of the old and the familiar that you might have the freedom of the new and the joy and the adventure of God's best. For those who live in the Spirit must go forth in faith.

From Message #883 - Graduation I

Today's Mission

Today get out of your comfort zone and share the gospel with somebody that needs to know about His love and joy!

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:17
