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Today's Sapphire

The Westward Journey Of Yom Kippur

Sunday, August 23, 2020

If you go to Jerusalem and see the Via Dolorosa, the traditional route along which Messiah walked to His death, if you take out a compass, you will see that the route goes generally westward. Regardless of the details, Messiah undoubtedly carried our sins to the cross on a westward journey. Why? When the High Priest made atonement for the sins of Israel on Yom Kippur, he took the Yom Kippur sacrifice and led it to the altar. He walked westward. Then, when he took its blood and brought it into the Holy of Holies, it was a westward journey. West is the direction of the setting sun, the ending, the finishing of the day. So Messiah journeyed westward to His death as He was both the High Priest and the sacrifice of our atonement. And He journeyed westward because His work was to make an end of sin, to finish the old life, to close up the past. So it's significant that Messiah made the westward journey - because it means your sins, your past, your old life is truly gone, as with the sunset - so that you could now live a new life.

From Message #1276 - The Azazel Factor

Today's Mission

What is it in your life that the Lord wants you to finish up? Finish it.

Scripture: Romans 6:4
