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Today's Sapphire

The war of The Archay

Friday, October 7, 2022

I want to show you something really cool that can give you victory every day of your life. It's in scripture: the keys of victory--spiritual warfare, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against rulers" (Eph. 6:12). In Greek, the word for rulers is "archay." You see it in archbishop, archeology, archetype. It means the first things, the principle thing, the beginning. You want to have victory over sin? Fight the arches, war against them, against the beginning of sin: the first inkling, the first thought, the first appearance of it, when you are being tempted, the very first thing. Don't let it go and give it room. Then at the end you're fighting against something very big. Fight at its beginning. That's the key. That's when you'll have the victory. The arch of doubt--fight it when it first comes in, when it's a little thought. Fight sin at its first sight, before you get to it and you will be successful, because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against archayes.

From Message #1049 - The Sledgehammer Principle

Today's Mission

Be vigilant for the first signs of temptation before it becomes sin and fight it at the earliest sign - fight the archay.

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:7
