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Today's Sapphire

The Menorah: Israel's Official Symbol

Monday, August 17, 2020

When Israel was reborn as a nation, her symbol became the Menorah, the seven-branched lampstand of God described in Exodus that stood in the Holy Place. This Menorah was kept continuously filled with oil and burning. Israel was called to be a light to the nations, a holy vessel, filled with God's oil, and shining with His light, the light of His presence and salvation. Whether you're Jewish or not, Israel is your nation. God's Word says that you're a citizen of Israel and your symbol is the Menorah. Every citizen of this Israel of Spirit is to be an individual light. Are you living your life worthy of the symbol of the holy lampstand? As the lamp couldn't be a light on its own but needed to be filled with oil and fire, you as His holy lamp need to be filled and refilled with the oil of His Spirit, joy of His Presence, bread of His Word, and fire of His will. Be the light you're called to be. In all things, shine. To all people, shine. It's your heritage, and your national calling.

From Message #167 - The Automatic Menorah

Today's Mission

Make your aim today to be a light for God in every situation - in every circumstance, be a light and shine!

Scripture: Matthew 5:16
