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Today's Sapphire

Messiah & The Sixth Day

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Yom Ha Shishi means "the sixth day." It begins Thursday night and ends Friday at sundown. It's the day of our redemption - it's exact. The Passion began as Yom Ha Shishi began - Thursday night. It started with Passover, the last supper, at sundown. Messiah was betrayed, arrested, tried, and crucified at the beginning of Yom Ha Shishi. It ended, as Yom Ha Shishi was ending. At sundown, He was taken down from the cross, laid in the tomb, the stone rolled in place. In Genesis, the Lord finished His works - He rested. That's why as Yom Ha Shishi was drawing to a close, He said "It is finished." Your redemption was finished on Yom Ha Shishi. You don't have to struggle, work, or accomplish it. Your walk, future victory, forgiveness, all that you will be - finished. Stop struggling and start receiving it. Messiah didn't redeem you on the first, second, or third day. Then there would be something missing; work yet to be done. He redeemed you on Yom Ha Shishi. He said, "It is finished." Then He rested. You do the same.

From Message #1247 - The Sixth Day Revelation Mystery

Today's Mission

Seek today to live in Yom Shishi, the end of the Sixth Day, as Messiah did. Stop trying to do it on your own. Let go and start resting in God's finished work. And do all things in that.

Scripture: Matthew 27:45-50
