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Today's Sapphire

Your Divine Liturgy

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Acts Chapter 13 speaks of ministering to the Lord; liturgeo in Greek. From it we get liturgy, a public service of worship or obedience. It's the same Greek word used to speak of the ministry of the priests of the Old Testament. Thus, the function of the Church is priestly. 1 Peter says that we are a royal priesthood; kohanim in Hebrew. You really are a priest. You're not just a believer, you're a priest. Whatever you do, do it as a priest. The priests, kohanim, ministered with holiness, and with great care as sacred liturgy. You need to do the same. Whether you're doing dishes, taking a walk, or leading worship, do it as liturgy, a holy act of worship to the Lord. As you are counseling, encouraging, serving, do it as holy to the Lord. Live your daily life as if you are a priest. Live at home as if it were your temple. Live like a priest, walk and talk like a priest; be holy to the Lord. Because in the New Covenant that's exactly what you are. Just like the priests of old, only more so.

From Message #953 - The Priest's Separation

Today's Mission

Whatever you set your mind to do today, sanctify it as holy unto the Lord and minister in all things as a priest of the Most High God.

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9 | Acts 13
