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Today's Sapphire

The Mystery of The Ma 'Arav

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Micah prophesied that, "one will go forth from you Bethlehem, whose origins are from old, from ancient times." The Hebrew word for ancient times is kadem, which also means the east or the sunrise. Messiah's origins are from the sunrise. He is the Light of the world. If He is from the sunrise, then His destination would be the place of the sunset or the west, which in Hebrew is the ma 'arav, the sunset place, the going down. Messiah's destination was the cross. Where was the crucifixion? It was to the west, the ma'arav of the city. When did He die on the cross? He died as the sun was setting, the ma'arav of the day. In fact, there was a temple sacrifice called the ma'arav, or the sunset sacrifice that was offered up at three o'clock in the afternoon. Messiah died at three o'clock. Thank God that Messiah is the ma'arav, the sunset sacrifice. This means that the sun has gone down on your sins, your old life, your past, even today's sins. So be finished with your old life because Messiah, your ma'arav, has come.

From Message #846 - The Mystery of the Kedem

Today's Mission

Live by the power of the Ma'arav, Messiah's sunset - the ending. Break away from your old life, today. You are a new creation in Messiah. Your old life is under His blood.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:22-23
