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Today's Sapphire

The Hollow and The Nail

Thursday, April 28, 2022

"Who could hold the oceans in the hollow of His hand?" (Proverbs 30) Picture the depth of the oceans being in the hollow of God's hand. Amazing! These hands that can hold the oceans in its hollow, that formed galaxies, became the hands of a baby in Bethlehem, and then became the hands through which nails were driven--hands bleeding on the cross, accomplishing our redemption. These hands that were pierced and impaled on the cross proved more powerful. In the weakness of God came His power and salvation. Remember the hands of God, the power of salvation. You won't win the fight by fighting the world's way or be powerful in the world's strategies or in your own strength. It's the power of the pierced hand; the crucified hand. Humble yourself and you will be exalted. Die to yourself and you will rise in His power. Surrender your will and you will overcome the world. The hands of Calvary didn't hold the oceans in its hollow, but held nails and blood. By this power you will win your battle, my friend. There is no greater power than the crucified hands of God.

From Message #876 - God in our Sandals

Today's Mission

Humble yourself and surrender your will to God today. The battle is won only in the blood and the power of the Lamb.

Scripture: Romans 1:16
