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Today's Sapphire

No Rollback

Monday, April 18, 2022

Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established." The word in Hebrew for commit is "galal," to roll away, as in rolling a boulder down a hill. We get the word Galilee from it, because Galilee has rolling hills. Commitment is to roll away. Let go of those stones, problems, worries, things you are trying to hold on to. Commit them to the Lord and your burden will be gone. Once you roll something down a hill, there is no rolling it back. The most committed people in the Lord are actually going to be the most light-hearted. Stop trying to keep everything under control. Once, you give it to the Lord, don't take it back. When you came to the Lord, you committed your life. That means you rolled away your life to God. Don't worry or be weighed down or heavy laden with anything. Have you taken back that boulder of your life? Commit it all back. Let it go, for to commit everything to God is to roll it all away.

From Message #916 - Let it Roll

Today's Mission

Today, let God have control over every aspect of your life. Release it all. Give God the reins to your will and let it roll!

Scripture: Psalm 37:5 | Proverbs 16:3
