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Today's Sapphire

The Hebrews Never Watched The Ten Commandments

Sunday, April 10, 2022

When the Israelites came out of Egypt and dwelled in the desert, what did they do at night in Sinai? Did they have movie night? Did they have a big screen and sit around watching the Ten Commandments? The Israelites didn't watch the Ten Commandments because they lived it. The shepherds didn't put on a Christmas play, because they were the Christmas play. The disciples didn't commemorate Resurrection Sunday, because it was Resurrection Sunday. We also, are supposed to be biblical characters! One of the secrets of becoming a biblical character is that you don't speak about the Bible just as something from the past, but Bible times are also now. You are living the resurrection now. Today is Bethlehem, now is Messiah, today is Resurrection Sunday. Today is Pentecost, the power to go out to all nations. Live the power of God. Move in His power today and in the Spirit. Go out in the power of the Great Commission; be a biblical character. More importantly, be of biblical character. Live as if the Bible is now, because it is.

From Message #918 - How to Become a Biblical Character

Today's Mission

Today, read the Bible; but don't just read the Bible. Live the Bible; live your day as if you were in the Bible.

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:11-12
