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Today's Sapphire

Hearing What You've Never Heard Before

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Have you ever heard a preacher say the same Scripture twice? How many times have you heard the Scripture, "God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life?" The answer is you've never heard the same Scripture twice. Your ears may have heard the sound of it before, your mind may have pondered the thought of it. But you can never hear the same Scripture twice, even if it's the same verse-for God only speaks now and His word is always new. It doesn't matter if you've heard the same verse every minute of every hour of every day of your life. God will speak a new word to you through that same Scripture and it will change your life if you receive it anew. For God only speaks now, and right now He has a word to speak to you that you've never heard before. So, open up the Bible today and your heart...that you may receive the new, fresh, and life-changing word He has to give you. If you receive it - it will be new and will change your life.

From Message #1195 - Sharp

Today's Mission

Try this for today. Go get your Bible, open it up - find a verse you've heard before and now receive it as if you have never heard it before - as if for the first time.

Scripture: Hebrews 4:12
