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Today's Sapphire

Those Who See In Black Outs

Saturday, June 27, 2020

In one of the hottest days of August 1959, New York City experienced a power failure. Apartment dwellers on the upper floors were especially hard hit. However, in the Guild for the Jewish Blind building, the blackout caused little problem. It was filled with two hundred blind workers and seventy sighted workers. When the lights went out, the seeing workers were helpless. The blind workers had no problem at all and led the seventy helpless workers down the steps and onto Broadway. There's a spiritual truth here: We are called to live not by what our eyes see, but by faith - by what our eyes don't see. For in the end, the power gets pulled on this life and everything fades to black. And if you live by sight, you'll end up lost and overcome by the dark. But if you live by faith, then it won't matter how dark things look, for your light will never be turned off. It is written, let us 'walk by faith and not by sight'. That which is seen is temporary - that which is unseen is eternal. Walk by faith and you'll never find yourself in a black out.

From Message #533 - The Book Of The Unmentioned God

Today's Mission

Live today, not by what you see or feel or sense. But live by faith in what the Word of God says.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7
