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Today's Sapphire

Mercy Like a Womb

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The word that expresses having mercy in Hebrew is 'racham,' and the word for the womb in Hebrew is 'rechem.' They're virtually identical. Why? Mercy in Hebrew means tenderness, compassion, as one would have on the weak, and as one would have on a small child. So the womb is a place of tenderness, compassion, and a place to nurture and care for the weakest of human lives: the unborn child. What does this have to do with your life? Everything. You see Messiah said, 'Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' And how are we born again? Through the mercy of God in Messiah, salvation comes. The mercy of God leads and causes us to be born again, racham and rechem. For God's mercy is the 'rechem,' the place that shelters, nurtures and protects us, until we are fully formed as a child of Heaven. So, with all the things you do with your life, dwell inside the racham - the mercy of God - surrounded by His tender compassion. For the mercy of God is Heaven's womb.

From Message #408 - Rachamim

Today's Mission

As a born-again believer, seek today to show active mercy, tenderness and compassion to others as Messiah has already done to you.

Scripture: Luke 6:36
