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Today's Sapphire

The Spirit Step

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Bible says that those who are led by the Spirit walk in the newness of life. You walk in newness by not walking in oldness; but by walking in a new direction. Every new direction requires a first step. It's easy to take second, third and fourth steps. All you're doing is following what you've done before. A Spirit-led life is a life of walking in newness - a life of many first steps. Those who walk in newness in life have a greater percentage of first steps in their life than those who don't. If you want to walk in victory, you have to master the first step. The first step is the hardest because you've never taken it before. When you take it, you'll open the way for God's Spirit to have its way in your life. Do what you've never done before and the Spirit will lead you. You'll have the joy known only to God's children - the joy of walking in the newness of life.

From Message #509 - The First Step

Today's Mission

Is there something new that God has put on your heart to do? Take the first step and see how the Lord leads you to the next.

Scripture: Romans 8:14
