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Today's Sapphire


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...

In the ancient pagan world, it was dangerous to be a child. If one was not yet born, one could be killed in one's mother's womb. If born, one could be left out in the cold to die or to be eaten by wild animals. It was not only abortion.

When the Gospel came into the Roman Empire, the practice of both abortion and infanticide was abandoned. But as America and Western Civilization have turned away from the Gospel, the practice of abortion has been revived. We are now crossing another line. While many states have taken steps to end abortion within their borders, mainly red states, other states have taken action to increase and expand abortion, mainly blue states. In two Democratic led states, Maryland and California, we have crossed the line from abortion to infanticide. Note, the internet is filled with postings seeking to deny the infanticide aspect of these laws but, despite these denials the fact remains that the laws are worded to allow infanticide - the killing of children after their births. One article puts it this way:

A little while ago I highlighted a shocking Maryland bill that would essentially decriminalize neglecting an infant to the point of death in the "perinatal" period - i.e., through the first 28 days after birth - by preventing investigations and prosecution of such deaths that resulted from "a failure to act."

Since that article came out, the California legislature has been moving forward legislation that is even more radical - declaring that every individual possesses a "fundamental right of privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including... childbirth, postpartum care."

The California law is even more explicit. It states:

"... a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty... based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including... abortion or perinatal death."

In other words there will be no liability with regard to any action or inaction involving perinatal death. What is perinatal? It is understood as meaning the period a few weeks before birth and a few weeks after birth. Therefore, the mother (or parent) can do or not do whatever she wishes with regard to her newborn baby, let it die or worse. This is nothing short of infanticide.

It was the sin of infanticide or child sacrifice that led to the judgment and destruction of ancient Israel. To what will it lead now? This month, let us pray that what began with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, will continue, for the saving of babies, the blessing of mothers, and the redemption of our culture. Pray too, for revival.

And may God greatly bless you as you do!

Your brother and co laborer in His love and services,

