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Today's Sapphire

The False Sinai

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I was doing a tour in Israel a while back. We went to Mt. Sinai... was it the real Sinai? We don't know. There are about 20 mountains people claim as Sinai. It's a major problem discerning what Sinai is from what is not. The Orthodox Jews accept all sorts of laws, mitzvoth, and commandments that came not from Moses. Also, we in the Lord, accept many other Sinais and commandments that God never gave. For instance: "Thou shalt drive thyself with work until thou droppest dead at an early age;" or, "Thou shalt live every day worrying about the next;" or, "Thou shalt never take time to be refreshed in the presence of God;" or, "Thou shalt never feel the love of God or believe that thou art truly loved." Now what Sinai did you get that from? If you can't name the Sinai, then what are you doing treating these things as commandments? I've got good news for you. You can disobey that fraudulent command that's been hindering your life. That's right, smash those phony tablets. Start living free in the Lord. Good news - It's not from Sinai!

From Message #615 - All The Commandments Not In The Bible

Today's Mission

Believe! Believe God's word today that you have been set free from all sin and unrighteousness. Start living for Him.

Scripture: Acts 13:39
