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Today's Sapphire

White Sins & Vaccinations

Monday, January 11, 2021

In Isaiah 1, it's written, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." An amazing thing. How can sins become white as snow? When God forgives a sin, and when we receive it, our past sins become as white as snow. What was evil, is neutralized and is used for good. Sin is evil. But a sin forgiven, and repented of, becomes something else altogether. In the same way, a deadly bacteria is something dangerous. But if that disease is neutralized, killed, rendered ineffective and put into the form of a vaccination, its nature is changed. It becomes something altogether different. It becomes an inoculation that prevents and protects the person from the very disease it once was. So too, to have your sins forgiven, to truly receive the fact that your sins are forgiven, that your past is wiped clean, and you're free because of the grace and mercy of God - what that does is inoculate you against that sin and cause you to become new. So your sins... your sins forgiven, your past redeemed... by the blood of Messiah, will truly become as white as snow.

From Message #390 - The Gospel and Your Immune System

Today's Mission

The Gospel And Your Immune SystemIf you're still holding onto dirty laundry from your past, know that you've been washed in the blood of the Lamb. You're clean, you're forgiven.

Scripture: Psalm 51:7 | Isaiah 1
