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Today's Sapphire

The Man Who Crashed Into The Table

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

At the end of our first mission trip to India, we saw around 70,000 people pray to dedicate their lives to the Lord. It was a tremendous spiritual victory. We decided to celebrate with a thanksgiving victory dinner. Just as I was about to pray before the dinner, the man who accompanied me everywhere and who saw it as his mission to protect my life throughout this dangerous mission, fell backward. He crashed into the table and went into convulsions. It was a scary scene. We immediately prayed for him. He had never experienced anything like this before. Upon our return home, he went to a doctor to find out why it happened. The doctor couldn't find the slightest trace of anything wrong with him, and it's never happened since. The Bible reveals we have an enemy. Be aware that when you see great victories in God, the enemy isn't happy. But don't fear it. Take authority and keep moving forward in victory. For, in the end, his power is false and void. And greater, much greater, is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

From Message #823 - The Lion’s Roar

Today's Mission

Today, keep moving forward in the victories that God has given you. Don't fear the enemy. Instead, take authority over him in the name of Messiah.

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8
