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Today's Sapphire

The Sacred Soudarion

Friday, November 22, 2019

In Acts 19, the Lord chose to bring healing to the sick through the handkerchief of the apostle Paul. The Greek word for handkerchief is "soudarion." It literally means "a sweat cloth." We often think of miracles as works that God does entirely apart from man. But there’s a whole realm of miracles which God does through the works, the labor, and the sweat of man - miracles through sweat cloths. For the Holy Spirit works not only through inspiration but also through perspiration. Some of God’s greatest miracles come through the hard work of man. The walls of Jericho came down by a miracle - but that miracle required God’s people to march. Messiah healed a man of blindness but required him to go down to the Pool of Siloam to wash. If God can use a handkerchief to bring healing, then God certainly can use all your hard work, labors, toil, sweat, and tears for His kingdom to work miracles. So don’t grow tired of doing good, for God will work miracles in your good works for Him, just as he did through the sweat cloth of the apostle Paul.

From Message #1430 - A Handkerchief Of Miracles

Today's Mission

Today, make it your aim to live for God and do all things for God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength – with all your might and all His Spirit.

Scripture: John 14:12
Acts 19
