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Today's Sapphire

Mountain Of The Sword

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Law was given to Moses on Mount Sinai, which is also called "Mount Horeb." Is there any significance in this? The Hebrew word "Horeb" is linked to the word "Herev." "Herev" means "sword." The first time the word appears in the Bible is in Genesis when God stations the cherubim at the entrance to the Garden of Eden with the flaming sword, or herev. The herev is a sword raised up against sin. So the Law was given on "Mt. Horeb," - linked to herev, the sword - as the Law, too, is a sword raised up against sin. So too is the Word of God a sword. We must each learn to pick up the Word of God as a sword against sin - against our own sin. In other words, wherever your life doesn't line up with the Word of God, use the Word as a sword to put to death that sin, that compromise, or that questionable thing in your life. For only by passing through the sword of the cherubim, in Messiah, can we enter the garden and the life of His blessing.

From Message #1345 - Yom Eden

Today's Mission

Today, take inventory. Where does your life not line up with the Word of God? Make the change and conform your life to the Word.

Scripture: Ephesians 6:17
