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Today's Sapphire

The Eight Times Worse Civilization

Friday, August 16, 2019

Messiah told his disciples of the possessed man from whom a demon was cast out. Later on, the demon returns to the man with seven other spirits - thus the man’s state becomes eight times worse than before. This reveals a profound principle which not only applies to people but to civilization - and to the end times. Western Civilization was once pagan-- as in possessed. But then it became, in a sense, exorcised of paganism - swept clean. But now we are witnessing a return to darkness - post-Christian era. Therefore according to the principle, if it does so, it will end up eight times worse; eight times more demonic than at the start. This is why a post-Christian civilization is far worse than a pre-Christian one. Thus, an end-time culture will be especially evil. What does that mean for you as an end-time believer if the power of darkness is stronger and more brazen? It means you must be all the more bold and powerful in the good. If we find ourselves in a world eight times more evil than what once was - let us be eight times more all out for God!

Today's Mission

Today, be all the more bold and powerful in the good; eight times more all out for God!

Scripture: Matthew 12:44
