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Today's Sapphire

The Old Quaker’s Paradox

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

An old Quaker advertised that he would give away 40 acres of good farmland to anyone who was perfectly satisfied with what he had. One day, a man seeking the land came up to the Quaker and said, "I would like to have the land." The Quaker asked him, "Art thou perfectly satisfied with what thou hast?" "Yes," answered the man, "I am perfectly satisfied." "Then," said the Quaker, "why on earth dost thou want this land?" Thus the old Quaker never parted with his land, because the only ones perfectly satisfied with what they had weren’t interested in getting it, and those who wanted the land weren’t perfectly satisfied. Messiah told us, "If you will lose your life for My sake, you will find it." And He told the rich young ruler, "If you wish to be complete, go sell your possessions and give the money to the poor." It’s a paradox, but it’s true. If you want to be full, empty yourself. If you want to be content, then let go of your want. For having nothing but God is to have everything- an abundant life and perfect satisfaction.

From Message #1488 - The Secret of the Cup

Today's Mission

Today, empty yourself and seek His righteousness that fills and satisfies.

Scripture: Matthew 5:6
