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Today's Sapphire

Missing His Appointment

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Did you ever wake up and realize you had overslept and missed an appointment? Maybe you’ve missed appointments by getting distracted with something else. Many people in the Gospel accounts also missed their appointments - with Messiah. Some because they were too busy with other pursuits, others because they said, "Not now. Later." That was the time of their appointment and for one reason or another, they missed it. In the same way, the Lord calls you. Every day, there’s a call from God, a perfect will, a mission, an appointment. Most of these appointments go unmet because most believers are too caught up in other things, distractions, pursuits, or telling God, "Later. Maybe tomorrow." Is that you? Do you know that God has made an appointment with you for joy, an appointment with victory, an appointment with breakthrough? They’re all waiting- even today. Don’t let the chance be wasted. Answer the call and do the will of God. You have an appointment today with blessing, and it’s too important to miss.

From Message #1229 - The Time To Rise

Today's Mission

Today, answer the call and will of God. Don’t be late for your appointment to receive the blessing.

Scripture: Micah 6:8
