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Today's Sapphire

The Sword Of The Builders

Friday, March 22, 2019

In the days of Nehemiah, the enemies of Israel sought to stop the building of Jerusalem. But the builders responded by carrying their building materials in one hand and holding a weapon in the other. They weren’t going to stop buildingrnbecause of their enemies or because of the conflict or the opposition formed against them. They just took up a weapon in one hand and kept building with the other. This is crucial. If you serve the Lord, if you’re doing His will, you will havernproblems, obstacles, oppositions, setbacks, and things meant to discourage you. But here’s the key- no matter what’s against you, no matter the setback or problem or conflict, no matter the discouragement, don’t get wrapped up in thernproblem or that which is against you. You just keep building and keep moving forward. The attacks are negative, but the work is positive. Those who always tear down will never build anything. But you are called for better things. Pick uprnyour sword, take up your hammer, keep going, build His kingdom, and fulfill your calling.

From Message #1492 - The Hammer and the Sword

Today's Mission

Today, pick up your sword and your hammer and get on with building up the kingdom and fulfilling your calling.
