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Today's Sapphire

The Sign Of The Fish And The Beaver

Friday, July 27, 2018

Rivers are important in God. In the days of the Kingdom, rivers of living water will flow from the House of the Lord in Jerusalem. Rivers represent God's Spirit; always giving and flowing. One of the first signs of the faith was that of the fish. But for many believers, a more accurate sign would be the beaver. Many believers act more like beavers than fish. We dam up the flowing of God's Spirit in our hearts and lives with unforgiveness, bitterness, compromise, fear, and doubt. We dam up our lives with walls against others. When you build them, you dam up your life to missing the blessings God would have you know. As long as you live with dams, your life can't flow in the blessings of God's Spirit. So if you want to live with the blessing of God's Spirit flowing freely in your life, break open that dam. Break open that dam of unforgiveness, bitterness, compromise, gloom, fear, and that wall against that person. Then let the river of God's blessing flow into your life because you're a child of blessing and not a beaver.

From Message #350 - Living Waters from Jerusalem

Today's Mission

Today, tear down that dam that has hindered the blessing in your life or heart, and let the Spirit flow!
