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Today's Sapphire

Remember To Count Your Unblessings!

Monday, January 22, 2018

If you want to live a joyful life in God, learn the secret of treasuring your unblessings. Unblessings are all the things you don’t have. Instead of being depressed because you’re not living in the house of your dreams, be grateful that being homeless or living on the streets isn’t part of your life. Instead of dwelling on not having a lot of money, riches, or a life of ease, dwell on the fact that you don’t live in a third world country where you have to search for your next meal so that you won’t starve to death. As the old saying goes: I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. Take time today and count your unblessings. You’ll realize that you have no shortage of reasons in your life to give thanks to God when you see all the things that are not in your life. Live a joyful life by not just learning to count your blessings in the Lord. From here on in, learn the equally important secret of counting your unblessings!

From Message #182 - The blessings of lima beans

Today's Mission

Take time today and count not only your blessings – but your many unblessings.
