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Today's Sapphire


Monday, December 18, 2023

We often speak of people wearing masks, putting on a mask of smiles. When I was growing up, in our house was a box of masks of monsters and ghosts for Halloween. The truth is, in life, people wear masks that are nicer than the way they are inside - it's a facade. But in God, it is the opposite. You think the real you is an unholy, wretched failure. If you're born again, it's the ugly part of you that's the monster mask. In the Lord, the inner man is beautiful. In the Lord, your old self isn't your true self; your past self and all those habits are not your real self anymore. That's just a mask of old ways. Take off the mask of failure, rebellion, and all those things. Take off the old self, put on the new, and live in the beauty of the new and whose image you have been created. Live as the beloved, holy, pure child of God that you are now and see the rest of it for what it is - just an old monster mask.

From Message #652 - Little Monsters

Today's Mission

Live this day without maskless - transparent, truthful, and in the light

Scripture: Colossians 3:10
