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Today's Sapphire

The Samson Factor

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Samson was the strongest of men. Yet, he fell because he never dealt with his weaknesses. Weaknesses of pride, worldliness, carnality, carelessness, drinking, women and a weakness of not following God. Ultimately, his weaknesses were stronger than his strength. He didn't fall because of his strengths, he fell because of his weaknesses. He never tamed them, worked on them, strengthened them or took precautions with them. You might have many strengths in the Lord. But what about your weaknesses? They're just as important. Truly being strong in the Lord is to know your weaknesses and to guard against them. If you're weak in a certain area, put a hedge up, cover it and take precaution. Because even the strongest can fall, but the weak who know their weakness and use God's wisdom and grace to overcome will rise. Be strong and wise in the Lord. Be careful with your weakness and you'll be like Paul who knew the grace of God was sufficient in his weakness and who took precaution. He wasn't like Samson who never did.

From Message #589 - The Samson Factor

Today's Mission

Today, deal with that weak area in your walk with the Lord. Ask him to strengthen you. Set up a guard to help you overcome.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9
