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Today's Sapphire

Focus and Balance

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Picture yourself walking on a balance beam and someone starts pushing you. You push back to keep your balance, but the more you push back, the more you risk falling off the other side. That's the principle of counterbalance. The problem is, instead of focusing on walking straight ahead, you focus or react to one extreme or another, pushing in the opposite direction and being as much out of balance. For believers, if you spend your time focused on and reacting to false teachings, unbalanced doctrines and dogmas, you could end up falling into error by pushing back the other way instead of focusing on God. If you spend your time judging others for their sins and focusing on what's wrong, you will end up being imbalanced. As their eyes are off the Lord, so when you focus on them or that thing, your eyes are off the Lord, too. Philippians 4:8 teaches us real balance; dwell on the good, focus on His truth; major on the majors and you will not turn to the right or to the left, but you will move straight ahead perfectly in balance.

From Message #543 - Falling for Anything

Today's Mission

Is there something negative that has been keeping your attention lately? Let go of it today and direct your focus back to the goodness of God.

Scripture: Proverbs 4:25-27 | Philippians 4:8
