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Today's Sapphire

Starting With Heaven

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Here's an incredible truth from the Lord's prayer. "On earth as it is in heaven," in the original language reads differently. It doesn't say on earth as it is in heaven. It says "as it is in heaven, so on the earth." The point isn't about getting earth to heaven, the point is about getting heaven to earth. It starts with heaven. There's nothing before that, no problem, no issue, no concern, no enemies, no dangers. That's where salvation starts. That's where Messiah came from. That's where every good and perfect gift comes from. That's where the answers you're looking for start. That's where your peace begins. That's where your blessing starts. That's where your victorious life begins. The gospel starts in heaven. The Lord's prayer starts in heaven. So learn to start your day, your prayer, your solutions, your plans, your heart, dealing with a problem, your needs, your love, your future, everything from heaven. Learn the secret of starting with nothing else, nothing more, no problem, no agenda, just God, just heaven. Because heaven is where it's at, and that's where all blessings begin.

From Message #482 - As it is in Heaven

Today's Mission

Lift up your open hands in prayer today, as a gesture of coming to Him with no earthly agenda and receive your heavenly impartation and mission.

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13
