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Today's Sapphire

The Reason For America

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. From its planting grew America's civilization. So what was America founded on and to become? What was its founding purpose? You can find it in the founding document of Jamestown - the Virginian Charter. It says this: "... to the glory of His Divine Majesty in propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God..." So why was American founded, according to its earliest founding document? America was founded to exist for the glory of God, to the spreading of the faith of the Gospel, and to be a light to bring those in darkness to salvation. Today, more and more, we are seeing America fall farther and farther away from its founding vision. What should we do? Pray. Pray for this nation. And now more than ever, you be that light. Live your life all the more for the glory of God and to be a light to the darkness. For the darker it gets, the more the light must shine.

From Message #1319 - America's 400th Birthday

Today's Mission

Pray for America and be a light.

Scripture: John 12:46
