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Today's Sapphire

The Tabernacle Secret of Heavenly Life

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Feast of Sukkot-Tabernacles is a unique feast. During the festival, according to Scripture, Jewish people build a Sukkah, tent or tabernacle. They leave their houses and camp out. The Hebrews camped out in the wilderness. But why do it again when they're already in the promised land? God was saying, join the two realms together - the wilderness and the promised land, the journey and the destination. Right now we're in a type of wilderness and we're heading home. Heaven is the promised land, but the two realms are joined together. That's what Tabernacles says. We are to live our lives now as if seated in heavenly places. We're to live now in the finished work as if we were walking on the streets of gold. As if He were here all the time, because He is! That's the secret of heavenly life. Our journey here is joined to heaven. Rejoice, celebrate - live the heavenly life on earth now because heaven is too good to be contained by the hereafter. In Messiah it overflows into the here and now.

From Message #193 - Camping In Heaven

Today's Mission

Today, ask the Lord to make you more aware of His constant presence. See yourself raised up and seated with Him in the heavenlies. Join your heaven to earthly life right now!

Scripture: Matthew 4:17
