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Today's Sapphire

The Inn Place

Thursday, February 23, 2023

With life's many distractions, it's often hard to get alone with the Lord. Two-thousand years ago in Bethlehem, the place to be it seemed, was the inn. The inn was filled with people; there was no more room. The inn was where it was at. It was "in" to be at the "inn." The manger was outside the inn, not the place to be. But today no one is interested in the inn, but everyone is interested in the manger. In the end, it's not the "inn" things that are going to be where God is at. That seems like the "in" place, but in the end, it's not going to be. The "in" place is going to be where Messiah's presence is - God's presence. The other stuff is going to be empty; forgotten. The only thing that will matter is you being alone with the Lord, in God's presence; that's it. Just like Joseph and Mary, get out of the inn and get into the manger, into the quiet with God, because there's no room at the inn. But in the manger is the presence of God.

From Message #1222 - The Manger People

Today's Mission

Find a quiet place where you can be completely alone with God, to pray and have fellowship with Him! You will find rest there.

Scripture: Psalm 16:11
