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Today's Sapphire

The Calories of Holiness

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The priests of Israel had higher standards in everything. They ate the holy sacrifices of God. They were the holy ministers of God. So the holy ministers of God had to live off of holy food. When you eat food, the food turns to energy. So if you partake of unholy things, you end up with unholy energy to do unholy things--lust, idolatry, pride, bitterness, immorality. But if you're to live a holy life, the key is to eat holy food. If you eat holy food, you end up with holy energy. Holy energy is the energy to do holiness; to love, to repent, to do right, to be victorious in God. Philippians says, "Whatever is good, right, pure, excellent, let your mind dwell on these things." When you do that, then you're partaking of these things into your spirit and then that holy food becomes holy energy. You are called to be a royal priest. The priest of God has to eat holy food. So eat holy food. Partake of what is of heaven and things of God. Rejoice in them. Let them become part of your life. You'll have the energy of holiness.

From Message #1177 - Food of the Priests

Today's Mission

Set this day to partake of your spiritual food, the Word of God, His love, His presence. Then move in the energy of that holy food to accomplish holy and great works for His glory.

Scripture: Philippians 4:8
