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Today's Sapphire

Burning Your Bridges

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

There's a story of a famous battle where the general ordered the destruction of his ships so that there would be no turning back for his army. They could not turn back; they could not retreat. They realized that they had no ship to go back to so they had to go forward and fight all the way. You need to have the same attitude. When you go forward in God, you have nothing to lose. God commanded the people of Israel to go forward through the Red Sea. They had no alternative, mountains on one side, the Red Sea on the other, and the Egyptians with Pharoah's army behind them, Had they retreated they would be faced with certain death. In the same way, you have to enter the battle to win. David ran towards Goliath in the name of the Lord. God wants a people who have nothing to lose. Burn your ships, burn your bridges of the past; move forward in faith and love through the Spirit of God. The only thing we have is what lies ahead.

From Message #642 - The World Behind Me

Today's Mission

Destroy any paths leading to your past and make a clean break. Be fearless and focused on the Kingdom that is ahead of you and the One who holds the keys to your future.

Scripture: Luke 9:62
