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Today's Sapphire

The Magnetic Principle

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

I am sure you have seen magnets. The thing about a magnet is that if it is not attached, it's going to draw all sorts of metal to it. It's going to get weighed down, but if it's attached to something else, then the other things aren't going to weigh it down. In the same way our hearts are like magnets. If our hearts are not joined they become vulnerable. They become joined to sin, to unclean things, to addictions, to habits, to indulgences, to idols, to money, to whatever it is. The key is, when your heart is attached to Yeshua, then we become free of all the rest. Your heart was made to be attached to Him, that's why He said, My Yoke is easy. Be yoked to Him and you will not be burdened with all the rest of the stuff in the world. Join your heart to Him and you will be free from every other thing that tempts you in this world. You will be free, just like a magnet that is joined.

From Message #1212 - Come To Me

Today's Mission

Get real close to God today, like a magnet. Join your heart, soul, mind, and strength to Him. And you'll be free of all those other things.

Scripture: Matthew 11:29
