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Today's Sapphire

The Holy Wilderness

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

We don't generally like the wilderness or get excited about being there. We tend to get down about it, but we should get excited! For God's people, the wilderness is never a detour. For Israel, it was the path out of Egypt, the path into blessing, freedom. God brought them into the wilderness to meet Him. That's where they had the tent of meeting set up. We can't wait to get out of the wilderness, to get on with God's will. You don't have to wait. God's with you in the wilderness waiting to meet you. He'll lead you as much as He leads you any other time. Every time something is taken away from you in your life, take it as an opportunity that you're going to get more of God, closer to God. There are no detours in God's will. If you're in the wilderness, praise God! God is there. Turn away from the situation, and He'll meet you. The wilderness is holy. It's the chosen place, His meeting place, where His people stand barefoot in the glory of His presence. Treasure God in the wilderness.

From Message #1128 - Out of the Wilderness

Today's Mission

Let every problem or loss or sorrow in your life becomerna sacred wilderness, in which you can enter to find God's presence. Let every problem or loss or sorrow in your life becomerna sacred wilderness, in which you can enter to find God's presence.

Scripture: Psalm 136:16
