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Today's Sapphire

The Foundation Act

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The first act of the American Government took place in 1789. President Washington, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, were together for the inauguration of the President. After he made his speech, they all proceeded to a church, went inside, prayed and committed America into God's hands. The first initial act of the American Government was to pray. That same day, Washington gave a warning that if America departed from God, it would lose the blessings and favor of God. Pray for America. It's easy for a nation to forget its foundation when prayer is often banned. When we talk about the nation and say, how America has gone away from its roots - what about you? Have you gone away from your first love, prayer, the Word, your foundation? It's easy to do so. Get back to your foundation, because everything else in your life will only be as good and strong as your foundation on which it rests. Like America, get back to your foundation in God, for that's where your blessing is.

From Message #1120 - The Mystery Ground

Today's Mission

Dedicate this day to God and His will for you today before you do anything else. Set a goodrnsolid foundation and build on it.

Scripture: Revelation 2:4
