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Today's Sapphire

Making Your Joy

Sunday, November 27, 2022

You might not get into praying, worshiping, or even in the Word a lot. That's totally irrelevant. In the Psalms, it says, "If I do not make Jerusalem my chief joy. . ." Now, you might not get into Jerusalem a lot. It doesn't say that. It says I have to make it my chief joy. Make God your greatest joy. It's not so much about whether your things are your joy--praying, reading, and doing God's will. You have a choice with joy there. If I make Jerusalem my chief joy, or if I don't, you have the choice to make it your joy. Make the righteousness of God your choice--rejoice in it! The harder it is to do that, the more change is going to come when you make it your joy. The whole point is make prayer, worship, time alone with God your joy. It's not whether it's your joy, it's whether you have the choice to make it your joy. Because in the Lord, joy isn't something that just happens to you, it's a choice. Joy is a choice if I make Jerusalem my joy.

From Message #1114 - The Good Joy

Today's Mission

Make the joy the Lord the source of all you do today. Rejoice in His presence first thing and all else will follow.

Scripture: Psalm 137:6
