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Today's Sapphire

The Mother's Wounds

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Chinese boy disobeyed his mother. The mother was holding a stick to punish him but he ran off. The mother began whipping and punishing herself for bringing up an unwilling child to be disciplined. The boy was so affected he ran back and told her not to hurt herself but punish him instead. But she didn't. His name was Lelan Wang. He became a great evangelist in China. As Lelan grew older, that memory helped him to understand the love of God in Messiah. What is love? It is to put yourself in the place of another. God loves you so much, He put Himself in your place and struck Himself with your punishment so you wouldn't be judged. Lelan's life was changed. He stopped doing wrong because he didn't want to grieve the one who loved him. We should stop sinning, not just because it's wrong but because we don't want to grieve the One who loved us. God's love is greater than judgment and more than enough for us to live a new life of victory. Do not grieve the One who loves you and your life will be changed.

From Message #1106 - The Tender Love

Today's Mission

Put away that sin in your life; that thing that grieves God. He died for it. Don't grieve your Beloved.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:30
