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Today's Sapphire

Shoppers and Receivers

Monday, October 24, 2022

Imagine a week before Bethlehem; Joseph turns to Mary and says, hey, do you realize we only have seven days until Christmas? We had better get our shopping done. But the real Christmas had no shopping in it. It was not about consumption. It was about receiving a gift, without shopping. You go shopping for what you want. I want this, I don't want that, etc. So people go shopping through the Bible and take what they want. I don't want this, or this is what I like. I don't like this verse. I don't like that kind of thing, I don't like that side of salvation. But when you receive a gift, you don't shop. You just receive what is given. The false Christmas is about shopping. The true Christmas is about a gift. They didn't shop for Messiah, they just received what was given. God doesn't want us picking and choosing what we like in the faith or in the Bible or in doctrine or what we agree with. Don't spend your life shopping. Rather, focus on receiving what God has given you, because God will only give you His best.

From Message #1077 - The Anti Christmas

Today's Mission

Don't shop for or settle for second best. Receive God's will for your life, unconditionally. And it will end up the best.

Scripture: Matthew 7:18
