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Today's Sapphire

The Eastern Non-Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There's no real Hindu or New Age Thanksgiving. It's because in Eastern thinking there's no real distinction between God and creation. The creation is God, and God is the creation. There can be no relationship, giving, receiving, or giving of thanks for having received the gift. In Eastern religion and New Age spirituality, there's really no one to give thanks to, and nothing to give thanks for. Are you going to give thanks that in your next reincarnation you might come back as a mosquito? It's a different story in the Bible, which is filled with thanksgiving. Every major festival in Israel was a feast of thanksgiving. In fact, our American thanksgiving is based on the ancient holiday of Sukkot, the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles. In the Hebrew Bible, it says, "Hodu et Adonai kee tov, Kee l'olam hasdo." "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever." If you're a child of God, you can't live a thanksgiving-less life. Your life must be filled with thanksgiving. Even more than that, your life must be one big feast of thanksgiving. For you, thanksgiving is not just a holiday - it's a way of life.

From Message #736 - One Hand Clapping

Today's Mission

Mission: Make today a day of 'thanksgiving' to the Lord - Thank Him throughout the day for everything!
