Compassion Projects

Help Samaritan’s purse network a staff of volunteer Christian medical professionals to serve in needed roles to provide hope and healing to the sick and hurting around the world.

The Lord said, 'When I was hungry, you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you asked Me in, I was naked, and you clothed Me, sick and you visited Me, in prison, and you came to Me..."

Watch Video of a Compassion Projects in Action

New Compassion Projects you can be part of

Help provide safe drinking water to poor communities around the world so they’ll have less risk of disease from dirty water sources.

Help share the love of Jesus with the men & Women of our nation’s military and their families

Help provide a residential recovery program designed around a Christ-centered community to restore lives broken by addiction with the hope of Jesus.
Help Paterson, NJ teens succeed with a yearlong, part-time internship program that turns them into leaders of their classrooms.

Ongoing projects

Help provide toward the ongoing support and maintenance of the FRMS airplanes used to shuttle missionaries, aid workers, medicine and supplies into Uganda, Sudan, and the Congo.

Provide child sponsorships and classes for Christians in debt bondage in brickyards, and skill training for Christian women in slums in Pakistan.

Help transport food and other goods by truck and air plane to remote places on Native American reservations.
Help heal traumatized children and refugees who can’t even speak to express themselves by playing musical instruments and worshiping through songs.


To The World Most Needy

Hope of the World Ministries has become a center for outreach through special projects of compassion helping the poor and needy throughout the earth. Several times a year new projects are presented and opportunities given for you to touch lives, meet specific needs, bring many to salvation, provide opportunities for the persecuted to be strengthened, and to literally be a vessel of healing - right from your own home. You can be a part of helping to provide water wells for the thirsty, medical relief, Bibles and support to the persecuted, bringing back the Jewish people to their homeland, building bamboo churches, caring for the needs of lepers, orphans, and more!

Hope of the World has a special ministry to helping the persecuted believers of the world and strengthening all believers with special teachings & resources on audio CDs and video DVDs.