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Today's Sapphire

Let the Past Bury the Past

Sunday, December 4, 2022

When Messiah asked a man to follow him, he said, "Let me first go and bury my father." What happened? Did his father die that morning? The man is with Messiah, and he has to go home to bury his father? Probably he was saying, let me stay with my father until he dies and I will bury him, and then I will follow You. But in Jewish culture, the fact is burials, are fast. You die, you're out. If you are over 60 and you take a nap too long, hey, you're out. Burials are quick. In the Jewish culture, people are to have nothing to do with death. If you're born again, you're a spiritual Israelite. Gossip, bitterness, the past, lust, temptation, greed, selfishness - that stuff is dead. Bury it quickly. Say goodbye, put on the dirt, get it in the grave, because God is the God of life, not death. You have to be a person of life; have nothing to do with death. That means, speedy burials.

From Message #1125 - Don't Look Back

Today's Mission

Have nothing to do with death today. Whatever action, thought, activity or thing that is not life - put it away. Choose life.

Scripture: Matthew 8:22
